Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

 H i m a l a y a s - the home for Ayurveda and birth place of Yoga is now opening new horizons to activate & initiate a healthy life which is in Sync with today’s world. A world which was never before, demanding more physical & psychological immunity.

Come to find a new world with in, to activate the inner powers & energies to adapt to a new world we are living in today, using primitive yoga to activate Soma – the essence of immortality, changing food habits with increased nutrition organic meals, with rejuvenating herbs, rest & relax in pure nature.
Come & treat your senses a different way………
Watch the great green forests with Himalayan birds, butterflies and gushing streams.
Wake up with chipping of birds, roar of the Ganga river and sound of the forests.
Let your feet touch a new vibrated soil while you walk on the crystal clear silver sand beaches & the forest around.

Taste the Himalayan food with rejuvenating herbs & high nutrient values.
Enjoy the smell of the soil and the clouds while in rains.
Give yourself a retreat …….to adapt to the new world.
Yogada in the Himalayas – R I S H I K E S H is opening from 1st September  2022 for new courses & short stays.
For more details e mail:
