6 Days Live online course for Seekers & Friends in Europe & UK.

For the first time, Yogada in the Himalayas at Rishikesh brings you Intense 6 days Live online workshop to not only understand but make a strong base to practice and create magic in your life

A new world is on its way ?????? Face it and steer it your in favor understanding the 4th dimension of Kundalini ……………….

Today we are living in a world which was never like this, demanding more physical, emotional & psychological immunity to not only survive but make us stronger & to grow healthier & successful like never before.

The science of living with nature and its forces what we today call a unified field in today’s science was discovered hundreds of years back in India & to give it the practical dimension they summarized it in other disciplines what they called Kundalini.

Since time immemorial Kundalini was a hidden power with Yogis in these parts of the Himalayas for transforming their lives to the highest level of existence as a human being & giving their life a purpose as well as address the deeper dimensions of life.

Kundalini is all about activating the hidden energy centers in our body and each of them is connected or represents one of the forces around us in the Universe. And it does not only activate the energy but to help us live to make the best use of these resources available to us in abundance & that too unconditionally.

Come to find a new world within, to activate the inner powers & energies to adapt to a new world we are living in today, using primitive Kundlani science – the essence of immortality.

For the first time, Yogada in the Himalayas at Rishikesh brings you Intense 6 days online workshop to not only understand but make a strong base to practice and create magic in your life.

Starting in October the strongest time for the feminine energy to be realized & manifested from Monday to Saturday
Central European Time: 0600 PM
British Summer Time: 0500 PM

India Time: 09:30 PM

To make is personalized Only 33 seats are there. Do not miss the opportunity to learn and not only transform yourself but teach others to bring magic in your & their life. Starting October 19th till 24th October 2020…….

You want to more know about it so click this.http://www.yogadaindia.com/kundalini-global-intense-live/
